Embarking on a journey rooted in values can sometimes lead to unexpected turns. Six years ago, I found myself at a crossroads after speaking up for social justice in a workplace where it should have been central to our mission. The consequence was immediate termination. Paradoxically, this setback became a pivotal moment of self-discovery about embracing self-trust.
Handling the Setback
In the aftermath, I faced self-doubt, questioning my talents and the very essence of my passion for people. It was undeniably challenging, but a supportive circle of allies became my refuge. Their listening ears provided the space I needed to navigate through the storm.
Embracing Self-Trust
The experience underscored the profound role of self-trust. It became a journey of looking within, understanding who I am, and taking deliberate steps toward the next right thing. This marked the beginning of an ongoing exploration and cultivation of self-trust that has since guided my path.
Positive Shifts and Adaptations
The aftermath birthed positive shifts, steering me toward leadership. Reflecting on my unique perspective of seeing individuals in the work they do, Pennant Creatives emerged as a manifestation of this vision. Looking back, the transformation from that woman six years ago to the person I am now, immersed in work I love every day, is both rewarding and inspiring.
Bring Self-Trust into 2024
As I step into 2024, my mission is clear – to champion self-trust. I aim to guide others in embracing self-trust as a powerful force in crafting messaging, aligning services, and contemplating impact. It’s more than a personal journey; it’s a commitment to helping others unlock their potential through the profound tool of self-trust. In business, stepping into self-trust is a transformative act that reverberates in every decision, creating a path that resonates with authenticity and purpose.
Step up to the plate this year with a first pitch that mirrors your confidence, self-trust, and readiness to take on whatever the game of leadership throws your way!