How do you create a visual identity for your business? Where do you begin? Organizations face the challenge of creating visuals that represent their values. The endless possibilities can either inspire or overwhelm. That’s where Pennant Creatives comes in! We facilitate a creative consultation process to identify images that represent the values at the core of your business.
When the Pennsylvania Consortium for Liberal Arts— a statewide consortium uniting liberal arts colleges— began exploring concepts for a logo design, they wanted an image that would encompass their values of statewide unity and educational progress. The consortium struggled to turn their values into a visual concept. Pennant Creatives stepped in, facilitating a generative and inclusive process while applying impactful design guidelines.
Through the consultation session, the consortium found their way to the image of a tree. For consortium members, the tree represented education, growth, and progress. The consortium identified the eastern hemlock, Pennsylvania’s state tree, as a representation of their unity. From this, the idea of a pinecone emerged. This image— multifaceted, unifying, and productive— perfectly represented the foundational values of the consortium. By providing tested-guidelines and asking the right questions, Pennant Creatives facilitated the process for the consortium to develop a distinctive image that fully represents its values.
Former Consortium Director, Irene Burgess explains, “by giving us many avenues to explore who we thought we were visually, Pennant Creatives gave us a sense of agency in the process of determining what would best represent our future.”